May 30, 2024

New Feature: Adjust Invoices

Introducing new features that empower league organizers with the control and flexibility to manage players' league registrations and finances.

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We are excited to announce the launch of our latest feature: Adjust Invoices. This is designed to give league organizers the flexibility and control they need to manage player registrations and finances.

What is Adjust Invoices?

Adjust Invoices is a feature integrated into the Admin Portal of our league management software, enabling league organizers to modify invoices for players' league registrations.

Whether you need to apply discounts, add late fees, or make other adjustments, this allows you to tailor registration fees to suit specific circumstances in a transparent and accurate way.

You can provide better service to your players and teams, which can lead to higher retention and participation rates. Once the invoice is updated, they see the update immediately in the Player App.

A Commitment to User Experience:

These updates reflect our ongoing dedication to providing a versatile and user-friendly platform for sports league management.

We believe these enhancements will make managing your recreational leagues more efficient and improve the overall experience for both adult league organizers and participants.

As always, we welcome your feedback and are here to support you every step of the way. Stay tuned for more updates and features designed to make your league management experience even better.


The AREENA app and leagues offer an immersive rec sports experience for adults, with stat tracking, skill matching, leaderboards and team messaging. Subscribe and play soccer or basketball year round, or pay by game or match with zero commitments.